Sunday, September 16, 2012

More Ivanesque Dirty Tricks

That same day (saturday), I came back to his shop. More or less 2 or 3 hours after I had left him (so it would be around 20 or 21, by now). My aim was to stage a protest in front of his shop.

But before I tell this story, I have to report how much Ivan owes me, exactly.

I worked 6 days for him. I started on Monday 30th , and I finished on Saturday the 4th of August. Everyday, I worked 5 hours (15h-20h). Except on Saturday, when I was fired (I only worked three hours). So in total: 5 x 5 + 3 = 28 hours. Since the agreed wage is the minimum wage (3,87€), that makes for 28 x 3.87 = 108.36€. Now, from that, one can knock down 5 euros (103,36 €). That's because during the week they went missing. Either because they fell from my pocket, or because I gave them to Ivan's father (who works on the premises), and I don't remember. I can't say exactly what happened, but in any case it is my responsibility.

To these 103,36€, one has to add 3% of commission for my sales of the week, that Ivan has to pay me at the end of August. Those sales are as follows:

30.7: 0€
31.7: 198€
1.8: 0€
2.8: 338€
3.8: 0€
4.8: 0€

Total, 3% of 338+198, which is 16,08€.

Grand total: 16.08 + 103,36 = 119.44€.

Those amounts (sales/hours worked), are written in a blue book in Ivan's office. Except for Monday and Saturday. On Monday, I didn't write down my hours, for the simples reeason it was my first day at work, and nobody told me I had to write those informations. And on Saturday, I didn't write them for the simple reason that I had just been fired, and told in the face that I wouldn't be paid what I was due. Anyway, he was angry, and would probably have barred me from doing so. But there is CCTV in front of the shop, and in nearby shops, and it is easy to show I was there those days.

This lack of book signing, for Monday and Saturday, is where his next trick comes in. That day, when I came back in the evening, he had somewhat cooled down. He had put some water in his wine. Before starting my protest, I talked to him. After showing off his machismo by telling me that he wasn't afraid of me, he gave me an “offer”. He accepted to pay me, but only around 70€. Why this concession? Because he knew that in a court of law, his case was lost if he refused to pay me this minimum (which corresponds to the 20 hours that are written in the book). The hours worked, and my sales, were written in the blue book. And he couldn't easily burn it or “lose” it, because all my other workmates have their hours written in this book. But since I didn't write down Monday and Saturday, for the reasons explained above, it is now up to me to prove that I worked these days and hours, if the case ever goes to court.

Basically, Ivan is using a technicality, to screw me. How do you call that? “Casuistry”? “Judicial tricks”? Whatever... It shows the kind of dirty man he is.

I refused this mafioso “deal”. By pride, first. And because I was concerned this would be considered as an acknowledgement of him having paid me what he owes, if the case escalates to court.

I started my protest.

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